6 Reasons That Make Me Want To Cry

An adventure like volunteering is something really enriching and emotional. Into this kind of experiences you are sometimes full of happiness and occasionally you may need to cry all of the tears of your body. This is the game of the life, right?
You know that "winter is coming"... Weather changing can have an impact on your mood and personalilty. I’m very sensible with those evolution. That's why I've chosen to write an article about the different reasons that have made me want to cry until now.
Well, let's begin:
1. When you have some problems in your country in the daily life sometimes it's complicated to find a solution. Just imagine that you don't speak the language of the country where you live. Generally I need to cry half because I don't understand the solution/answer of the people and half because I don't like the answer.
2. When I search something for a long time and I realise that the thing I need has remained in my home country.
3. When I want to speak about something but I don't know the word in italian, in english and I don't remember neither in french.
4. When I make a french joke and noone understands it.
5. When I tell a really long story and then I see those faces in front of me and I realise my story meant nothing, because I didn't use the correct words.
6. When I try to contact my family or my friends in France and finally I pass more time saying "allo?" "you hear me?" to speak with them because the connection doesn't work.
That can look like funny reasons and in general I don't cry for those reasons, but now I prefer to speak about them to make me remind that I'm not really home and I'm living an amazing adventure.
Maybe the next sentence will be weird for you... However someone once said to me "crying cleans your soul" and i think it's true. 
Roxane Bernard
Trento, Italy